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Average Rating4.40
(based on 50 reviews)

High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!




High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
Food Allergy & Intolerance Worksheet/Revision

Food Allergy & Intolerance Worksheet/Revision

This worksheet is 3 sides of A4. It contains reliable Food Allergy and Intolerance subject knowledge and is suitable for GCSE students. This informative resource aims to help students revise this topic. If may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)


This whole lesson covers the Farming Techniques of Eggs; and includes an exam question relating to Egg Coagulation (answer included). This lesson is suitable for GCSE students studying food. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Proteins (GCSE Food)

Proteins (GCSE Food)

Here you have a lesson focusing on ‘Proteins’. This 18 slide PPT is structured as starter, main and plenary; with learning objectives. Students will explore proteins, what they are, food sources, LBV and HBV foods, amino acids, property changes and answer exam questions. The questions are provided with answers and focus on coagulation, amino acids and the effect on the body when having too much and too little protein. This PPT can be used as part of a specialist teacher’s lesson or as a cover lesson. This is well suited as a cover lesson as all the content is included with handout. Two videos have also been hyperlinked into the PPT, to add additional learning. Additional high quality resources: Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4 Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle) Food Cover Worksheets GCSE Food Cover BUNDLE KS3/KS4 Food Cover BUNDLE
Valentine's Day - Homework/Remote Learning/Cover work/Cover Lesson/ Extra Curricular Activities

Valentine's Day - Homework/Remote Learning/Cover work/Cover Lesson/ Extra Curricular Activities

Art & Remote Learning and Cover Work focusing on creative Valentine’s Day tasks. This A4 creative Valentine’s Day Bingo worksheet includes 9 creative activities suitable for KS2 & KS3 students. This worksheet can be used for -Valentine’s Homework/Home Learning/Cover work/Cover Lesson/ Extra Curricular Activities . It’s fantastic for creative subjects such as Art and Design, Design and Technology. This worksheet is also ideal for cross-curricular and form/tutor time. If may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Food Subject Knowledge Tracker

Food Subject Knowledge Tracker

This food tacker is a workbook covering 22 pages. The workbook acts as a progress tracker/revision list for students to track the topics they have extensive knowledge about and others they need to develop prior to their food exams. It is divided into categories covering all of the food topics studies throughout the GCSE - theory, practical and assessments (AQA & EDUQAS). Each table has clear descriptors providing examples where necessary to aid student’s understand. Students are encouraged to highlight the topics throughout their studies/revision period and date them. (Written annotations are optional) The tables are also divided into columns of 3. These are named- ‘Beginner, Developer and Master’. The definition of each is displayed on page 2 for the students and teacher to refer to. This is a fantastic book for the students and teacher to monitor progress…especially where OFSTED and observations are concerned. Not only this, but they can be used when talking to parents at parents evening, when setting student’s targets, throughout report writing and updating your intervention logs. What a fantastic way for observers to come and see how progress is made. You as a teacher can simply flick through student’s booklet and identify the areas student/students need to work on; whether this is a topic as a class, group or individually. The colour coded boxes are super easy to identify areas needing more or less focus. Alternatively, if you have a year 11 class, give this to them at the start of the revision season…get them to use this booklet as a revision checklist - SIMPLE! You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper Food Lessons, NEA, Exam Prep Bundle DT Lesson Bundle
AQA Gcse Cooking Ability Sheet

AQA Gcse Cooking Ability Sheet

This A3 resource (could be reduced to a4) clearly presents the cooking ability levels to students for the AQA Food, Preparation and Nutrition exam/demonstrating cooking skills. The colour coded system helps students to identify their cooking level and to reach their potential. There is also 2 examples showing how students can enhance their abilities. The examples are: Making a cake (sweet item) Cooking with chicken (Savoury) The information is from a reliable source (referenced with the website)from the AQA exam board - can’t ask for better than that when it comes to reliable content. Made for teachers Shop Where you will find a host of quality resources including - Food Exam and Coursework Prep Bundle & Complete Food Lesson
NEA 1 Food Workbooks - x2 Briefs

NEA 1 Food Workbooks - x2 Briefs

2 Resources
These NEA 1 workbooks are suitable for GCSE students studying Food, and accessible for both AQA and Eduqas. You will recieve x2 Workbooks focusing on “How to make the perfect chip?” and “Reducing the sugar content in cakes without affecting the working characteristics, function and chemical properties of the ingredients.” JPEG previews of some of the pages of the workbooks can be seen when selecting each resource separately. About the Workbooks- These workbooks are easy to follow. Key information has been provided to prepare students for their NEA 1 write up coursework - treating these booklets as a friendly mock up for what to expect when writing their final NEA 1 in year 11! These booklets work through all sections of the NEA 1 coursework, covering - Introduction Research Hypothesis Plan of Action Carrying out the Experiments Evaluation There is information about sensory testing along with examples to assist students. Templates have been provided for students to complete, this also supports low ability students and children who require extra support. These workbooks can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson, home learning or scheduled in the specialist teacher’s diary as a valuable mock write up (tasks are explained well and all tasks included). How will this be helpful to students? These resources have been tried and tested with both year 9 and year 10 students studying GCSE Food. They have been an invaluable resource, as they allow students to navigate through the workbooks, completing the tasks, preparing them for what’s to come in the final NEA 1 write up. Students liked knowing that there was extra support in completing the tasks. This allowed them more time on each section of the write up, giving them time to ask valuable questions to the teacher and correct errors - a journey necessary before the final NEA 1 write up in year 11! Great learning resources that helped their understanding of the write up process and how to plan and carry out the experiments with beneficial outcomes for meeting the briefs. Students found the booklet very approachable, due to their friendly clear layout and colour. Why not try before you buy- here you will find a 5* rated Lesson - Types of Eggs You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
KS3/KS4 Cover Work - Bacteria and Keeping Foods Safe

KS3/KS4 Cover Work - Bacteria and Keeping Foods Safe

This double-sided worksheet focuses on Bacteria and Keeping Foods Safe in the Kitchen. It was primarily designed as a cover lesson for a year 9 class, however has been successfully received by GCSE classes also. The double sided worksheet first tasks students to read the work sheet, as a class, this covers: What bacteria needs to grow, How bacteria can be slowed down, How the growth of bacteria can be prevented and what the causes of cross-contamination. The fact sheet is a great revision tool as well as helping with the second task. Students are then asked to create a comic strip explaining how bacteria can be controlled to keep foods safe. This task was beneficial for both year 9, 10 and 11 classes; as they were able to recall the content and use the comic strip as a creative revision tool. Learning whilst being enjoyable! A separate animated “Pop Quiz” slide presents 3 Question and Answers relating to the topic. Other Food Mock Questions with Model Answers can be found here >> they include small and longer answer questions - Great for Revision! Lots more cover lessons can be found at the authors shop Made for teachers Shop GCSE Food Revision Cover Work GCSE Food Choices Cover Lessons and Mock Revision … and more! Additional high quality resources Eduqas Coursework and NEA 1 & 2 BUNDLE AQA Coursework and NEA 1 & 2 BUNDLE Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4 Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle) Food Cover Worksheets GCSE Food Cover BUNDLE KS3/KS4 Food Cover BUNDLE
GCSE Nutrients lessons x8

GCSE Nutrients lessons x8

6 Resources
These eight lessons focus on Nutrients including Protein, Carbohydrates, Fibre and Water, Vitamins, Minerals and Fats. They are suitable for GCSE students studying food. These lessons have been created for students studying GCSE Food. These complete lessons can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson (as all tasks are clear with printables and answers). I have attached a huge amount of detail listing each lesson’s content. Please read the information for each below, or view the information by clicking on the resource attached to this bundle individually. These lessons include: Proteins lesson- theory -Why bodies need protein -Examples of protein food sources -Investigates the structure of a protein -How the properties of proteins change when they are cooked Handout worksheet for students to complete throughout the lesson. They will then finally answer an exam question based upon cooking of an egg white protein. • Investigating biological values - LBV, HBV and protein complementation foods - clear revision material • How too much/too little protein is a problem in a diet • Alternative proteins • Walking talking mock questions - including 3 questions for the students to answer related to protein and full answers for the teacher to talk through/mark. Fats- Lesson 1: • To identify why our bodies need fats and which fats are healthier. • To investigate the structure of a fatty acid chain and the changing properties of proteins when cooking is introduced. Explores: • Excess and deficiency of Fats • Saturated and unsaturated fats (Task sheet provided) Lesson 2: • To identify omega-3 & 6 foods types and why our body needs them. • To investigate the impact fats has on our health; and name foods which should be reduced/encouraged. Explores: • Transfats • (Task - Fat comprehension task with answer sheet) This resource is easy for students to access - full of colour, reliable subject content and engaging. Carbohydrates x2 Lessons- Lesson 1: To name the two main types of carbohydrates by identify some food types and nutritional benefits/problems. To investigate the structure of carbohydrates by naming the molecules which make them. To design a daily meal plan, reducing high GI foods by replacing them with healthier alternatives. Explores: Simple and complex carbs (food science terminology too) Glycaemic index - meal planning - task sheet provided Lesson 2: To name the 4 factors which can affect a person’s BMR. To identify the 3 main energy sources our bodies require; by stating the percentage and benefits. To investigate traffic light labelling when analysing nutritional information of carbohydrate food products. Explores: Food labelling task provided (Very detailed with photographic reference) Macronutrient energy percentage pie chart - task sheet provided **Vitamins - ** The lesson contains 19 slides covering: Fat-soluble Vitamins Water-Soluble Vitamins Preserving vitamins when cooking Fruit and Vegetables Video reflecting on the goverment guidelines for a healthy balanced diet (this has been included to support the importance of a healthy diet and the use of taking/not taking Multi-vitamin suppliments. The lesson includes 4 tasks; Grouping sources of food to Fat-Soluble Vitamins Identifying the source, function and health problems associated with many water-soluble vitamins. The names of each vitamin is clearly labelled. Students are provided hand outs to assist. Video and answer Discussion on preserving vitamins when cooking. **Minerals - ** x1 theory lesson - 19 slides - lots of time saved on your part, in such a busy teaching world! This PPT covers the topic of Minerals. (theory only) It introduces students to the 4 minerals needed by the body and the 2 trace minerals. The PPT is very colourful, is full of subject specific reliable information and students can access it easily. The PPT includes: A sorting activity - all of the resource handouts are provided with answers. The resources are differentiated for the Lower ability students. Covers the 4 minerals and 2 trace element minerals - covering their function, excess and deficiency. Video for students to watch - includes information about Minerals (with links to vitamins also) showing a food science experiment - questions for students to answer are also included (answers already written and provided for teacher to present on a seperate slide. Plenary - discussion question. **Fibre & Water - ** This 19 slide PPT covers the importance of fibre and water in our diet. It is full of colour and reliable subject knowledge. The content covers: Fibre’s and Water’s function, sources and deficency/excess. All task handouts are included with answers on the slides for the teacher/students to easily access. Interactive videos are also included as learning aids. **The students are tasked to: ** Students are to answer the questions under timed conditions. (recalling their knowledge) Students are provided with the answers and mark scheme for the questions. They must self mark their answer. Students provided with a model answer, for students to highlight, mark and self-reflect. Students to talk through the model answers provided and add to their answers showing progress. Students can then re-mark their answers showing progress, or pass to the person next to them and recieve feedback. Additional high quality resources Eduqas Coursework and NEA 1 & 2 BUNDLE AQA Coursework and NEA 1 & 2 BUNDLE Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4 Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle) Food Cover Worksheets GCSE Food Cover BUNDLE KS3/KS4 Food Cover BUNDLE
Food Preparation and Nutrition Whole Lessons/Food Revision

Food Preparation and Nutrition Whole Lessons/Food Revision

19 Resources
Here you have a LARGE bundle of Whole lessons covering a variety of food topics and suitable for GCSE students studying Food. All of the resources featured in this bundle are complete lessons and structured with Starter, Main and Plenary; with targeted Learning Objectives. A Food Tracker booklet has also been included. These lessons are clearly presented and include reliable subject knowledge. Students can approach learning via reliable content, videos, fact sheets, worksheets, recipes, readiness charts, assessment criteria and class discussions. Answers are also provided where necessary. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! A lesson with 5* reviews - Types of Eggs - Food Lesson Students thoroughly enjoy this interactive, student friendly Food Quiz. suitable for specialists or non-specialists as part of a cover lesson. Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4 You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
GCSE EDUQAS Food NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam Preparation/ Food Revision

GCSE EDUQAS Food NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam Preparation/ Food Revision

17 Resources
Food, Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance and Revision BUNDLE; suitable for GCSE students. These high quality resources have been designed to prepare and guide students throughout their Food, Preparation and Nutrition GCSE - Eduqas Exam board. These resources have been delivered by a specialist teacher in class, remote learning and set as part of a cover lesson. The Food tracker is presented as a booklet, and identifies all the topics students need to learn before their final written exam. NEA 1 & 2 workbooks, guidance booklets and a Practical Exam Guidance PowerPoint will support students throughout their coursework completion. Student friendly, high quality exam questions with model answers will prepare students for the written exam! These resources are clearly presented and include reliable subject content. Please explore each resource by simply clicking above. Questions you may consider - What will students learn and take away from these resources? Written Exam Practice: There is a huge wealth of subject content for students to learn. The revision mock questions with model answers, provide students with an exemplary answer as inspiration, including over 100+ questions. This allows students to read an excellent answer and learn how they can adapt their own answers to receive full marks; for all mock questions provided. Students can read both long and short model answers covering - Food Provenance, Food Choices, Food Science, Food, Nutrition and Health, Adapting and Analysing a dish/recipe; and more… Students can track their learning using the Tracker - logging areas of strength and those areas that need further revision - **a great progress tool too! ** Coursework Guidance: NEA 1 and 2 Coursework Guidance is presented as workbooks, booklets and a Powerpoint. The NEA 1 and 2 workbooks provide a mock title and a walk through, helping students to complete sections of the coursework as a practice, before starting the offical brief. There are two mock briefs for student to work on/choose from. The workbooks are clearly structured and have been designed so students learn the content independently - **they explore and cover all areas expected in their year 11 coursework write up! ** Students will benefit from the NEA 2 Cooking Practical Exam Powerpoint. This prepares students for the year 11 final cooking exam, providing them with tips, advise and guidance on what to expect and how to prepare, encouraging them to showcase their best cooking! Lastly, students will receive NEA 1 and NEA 2 Guidance booklets - these assist students when writing their final year 11 coursework. Structured into the relevant sub-sections, with guidance tips on what to include in each section. This is informative and clearly presented. How will students learn this content? Mock questions with answers, subject content, guidance booklets, guidance workbooks and tracker. Are the resources presented clearly? Yes the Powerpoints are presented clearly, as they aims to be student friendly and independently. Can these resources be followed independently as a remote learning task for students? Yes, these resources are very easy to navigate. All the learning content can be accessible, so independently learning can happen. Additional high quality resources: Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4 Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle) Food Cover Worksheets GCSE Food Cover BUNDLE KS3/KS4 Food Cover BUNDLE
DT/Textiles Quiz Cover worksheets

DT/Textiles Quiz Cover worksheets

This three sided quiz focuses on Fabric and Textiles Questions, great for any specialist lesson or cover. The questions are multiple choice and answers are included for all - simply read the bottom of each page (answers are upside down and made smaller) A fun activity for any lesson! Students really enjoy it - can be kept for revision too! **This quiz has been hand-picked and featured in the June 2024 End of Year DT Fun activities blog, on TES. The TES resource team has rated it 5 star!! ** Other textiles and DT resources can be found in my shop - Made for Teacher’s Shop Natural and Synthetic Fibre Bundle Textiles cover worksheet
NEA 2 Food Workbook - Time Plan

NEA 2 Food Workbook - Time Plan

This 13 page NEA 2 workbook focuses on how to write a dovetailed Time Plan; and is suitable for GCSE students studying Food (AQA and EDUQAS). The booklet is highly detailed with information and tasks throughout for students to understand the steps to take to write a Time Plan. The booklet provides an example task, this task shows students one method of writing a time plan in a more approachable way. Students are provided with x3 High Skill level dishes. These dishes require the students to break down the methods and write them in the form of a Time Plan. A template and helpful tips will support students along the way. How will this be helpful to students? This resources has been tried and tested with both year 9 and year 10 students studying GCSE Food. It has been an invaluable resource, as it allows students to navigate through the workbook, completing the tasks, preparing them for what’s to come when writing their Time Plan in their final NEA 2 write up. Students liked knowing that there was extra support in completing the tasks. This allowed them more time understanding and writing a Time Plan, giving them time to ask valuable questions to the teacher and correct errors - a journey necessary before the final NEA 2 write up in year 11! A great learning resource that helped their understanding and planning! This workbook can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson, home learning activity or scheduled as part of the specialist teacher’s plan (tasks are provided throughout and very clear). Nea 2 Workbooks - Larger Bundle TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! A lesson with 5* reviews - Types of Eggs - Food Lesson You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
KS3 & GCSE Combined Science Homework Sheets

KS3 & GCSE Combined Science Homework Sheets

5 Resources
The Science worksheets are suitable for KS3 and GCSE students. They have been used as cover worksheets, HOMEWORK SHEETS and GCSE Revision sheets. (especially useful for low and mid ability & students with additional needs) These worksheets provide students with a range of tasks per topic. The tasks are clear and can be completed independently. All sheets include answers for the tasks - this enables self-marking at home or once back in the classroom. If these tasks are set as cover work or as part of a specialist lesson - then rest assured the cover teacher will be happy to see the answers to the questions too; resulting in a smooth lesson. Each worksheet covers a 1 hour lesson. If you have downloaded this resource then do not download the following two bundles linked below, as they contain the same worksheets. Combined Science Cover Worksheets BUNDLE Combined Science GCSE Revision Worksheets
Function of ingredients

Function of ingredients

Here you will find a function of ingredients poster. Great as a folder divider to introduce a new topic, used as an extension when students have finished cooking in a practical a little earlier than planned or as part of a theory lesson. Great for display, fact sheet for students or as a folder divider. Enjoy your free resource. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Where you will find a host of quality resources- including Food Lesson Bundle & Food Exam & Coursework Prep Bundle Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
Logo Design

Logo Design

This Logo Design Drawings worksheet is suited for KS3 and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on exploring existing E:sports logo designs by drawing them, then creating their own E:sports logo. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Replicate one of the E:Sport logos in the blank box. Focus on the bold straight lines or the curvature of the images used. Task 2: Create a new E:Sports logo using your own text and image. There are some examples below to inspire you. Examples have been included for students to use as inspiration. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle


This Chocolate bar Typography worksheet is suited for KS3, and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on exploring existing chocolate bar logos and the use of typography. Then designing their own logo using the typography of their choice. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Replicate one of the example bars on the blank chocolate bar wrapper. Focus on the bold straight line or the swirly flicks of each letter. Task 2: Create a new chocolate bar using your own style of typography. There are some examples below to inspire you. Examples have been included for students to use as inspiration. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
D&T cover work/cover lesson worksheet - Logo Design

D&T cover work/cover lesson worksheet - Logo Design

This D&T cover work/cover lesson worksheet focuses on Sports Logo Design Drawings; and is suited for KS3 and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on exploring existing sports logo designs by drawing them, then creating their own sports logo. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Replicate one of the Sport logos in the blank box. Focus on the bold straight lines or the curvature of the text used. Task 2: Create a new Sports logo using your own text and image. There are some examples below to inspire you. This logo may feature on clothing or sports equipment. Examples have been included for students to use as inspiration. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Logo Design

Logo Design

This Crisp Logo worksheet is suited for KS3 and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on exploring existing crisp logo designs by drawing them, then creating a logo of their own. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Replicate one of the three crisp logos in the blank box (Pringles, Walkers or Monster Munch) . Focus on the bold straight fonts or the curvature of the text used. Task 2: Create a new crisp logo using your own text and image. There are some examples below to inspire you. Think about your target audience: Children, Sharing bag Examples have been included for students to use as inspiration. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
Sewing Machine Safety

Sewing Machine Safety

This Sewing Machine Safety worksheet is suited for KS3 and KS4 students (more suited to KS3). This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on identifying key safety rules when using a sewing machine then creating a poster. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Complete the sewing machine safety list below, the first three have been provided as examples. Task 2: Design a poster which creatively shows the health and safety rules when using a sewing machine. Use your safety list (Task 1) to help you. You can include these on your poster. You may also use the images below as inspiration. Draw your design in pencil then add colour. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle